Reach For The Stars...

S. Christa McAuliffe Elementary School

Where children, “Reach for the Stars”

McAuliffe School Vision

The S. Christa McAuliffe Elementary School community strives to educate the whole child intellectually, emotionally, culturally, socially, and physically by offering rich and engaging instruction in a safe, respectful, and caring environment. Our students and staff strive to be independent thinkers and life-long learners. We believe that collaboration among school, home, and community is essential in ensuring students meet our high academic and behavioral standards and achieve their fullest potential.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Fall News (November)

Specialists News

Content Literacy news from Mrs. Nochnuk
October is going to be an exciting month for us. To showcase Fire Prevention Month the Lowell Fire Department will visit with a presentation Practice Sire safety. The Hook and Ladder and Rescue vehicles will also stop by. A Career Day will take place presented by Middlesex Community College. It will be in the form of a game show favorite entitled Jeopardy. Then to round out the month and to celebrate Dental Health month we will have a visit from a dentist. After each presentations a goodie bag filled with toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss and plastic cups for rinsing will be distributed. The library will be an exciting place to be in October. Children can take out books each week to learn more about these important themes.  Warmest regards.

Art news from Mrs. Dixon
I am excited to welcome students in grades kindergarten through fourth back into the art room.  We will be working on the elements line and texture over the next few months as well as seasonal projects.  I love to see your child's imagination and creativity come to life in class.  Please be on the lookout for student work displayed throughout the school!

Music news from Mrs. Squeglia.… 
Music classes are off to a great start. Students at every grade level are engaged in singing, playing instruments, movement and improvisation. For a special treat, be sure to invite your child to sing a song for you or to share an activity from music class.
The M & M Chorus rehearses during enrichment classes on Friday mornings. 3rd and 4th grade students who love to sing and dance can choose to be part of this fabulous performing group.   We are now in our 10th season! Currently, we are working on our first concert scheduled for late January at The Lowell High School auditorium entitled "Music Lasts a Lifetime. " Past and future performances may be viewed on Lowell cable television LCT 22.
Recorder karate is offered each morning during breakfast from 9:10 to 9:25 outside the music room.  Individual students play to demonstrate mastery of a certain concept or skill and can earn color coded "belts" to tie on their recorder.  This program is geared toward third and fourth graders, however, younger students can learn to play with the help of an adult or older sibling. Recorder packages that include the recorder, book and CD may be purchased for $5 (Yamaha colors) or $6.50 (Black Angel) in the music room.

Physical Education news from Mr. Drouin
The physical education classes are off to a fantastic start to the school year.   The kindergarten and grade 1 classes are focusing on movement activities in personal and general space.  They are also having discussions around the importance of healthy lifestyles.  Grades 2, 3 and 4 have been working on fine motor skills and basic soccer skills.  They are also discussing the importance of healthy lifestyles and the muscular and skeletal systems.

Preschool News

      We’ve had a successful start to our school year.  The children have been learning their classmates and teachers names. The children have learned the letters B, P and T and their sounds.  They have been practicing taking turns during activities and conversations and rules related to school.  We are teaching the children to use scissors and how to hold a crayon, pencil or marker correctly.  We have been learning about the 5 senses and the names of body parts. We have enjoyed getting to know the children.


Hello Families!
Over the course of the last two months the children have adjusted very well to our very busy school day.  The students are happily learning all their letters, letter sounds, and even sight words.  It is amazing to see how much they love reading their own little books.  Thanks to all the parents who are helping the children practice at home.  It really makes a difference.  Don’t forget to use our city library it is an amazing resource.  The children are becoming quite the “mathematicians”.  We have been counting the number of days we have been in school, working each week on a number of the week, and playing many math games.   The children are really enjoying learning with our Scholastic Let’s Find Out readers.   Make sure you check out the online activities that go along with the books when they are sent home.  We are monitoring and learning about the weather and we are exploring and learning about our schoolyard trees.  The chilly air is here, so make sure your child has warm clothes for our outdoor recess.  We are outside daily unless it is raining.  Thanks for all your support; we have had a fabulous Kindergarten start! 
The Kindergarten Team

First Grade

It’s hard to believe that we are already well into First Grade.  We have already seen a lot of growth in these kiddos, and we can’t wait to see where First Grade brings them!
 In reading, students are working on decoding words with short and long vowels along with developing comprehension skills involving characters, setting, main idea, details and retelling. Our children are encouraged to read the pictures, read the words, and retell the story, thinking about the story elements.  It’s important to have conversations about the stories they’re reading to reinforce comprehension.
In writing, we are working on a unit involving Small Moments where children write about themselves and experiences they have had.  They continue to practice good penmanship while also working on using capitals, punctuation and spaces between words.
In math, the students are working hard on counting and number sense. Your children really are mathematicians! They are solving story problems with both change and result unknown! This is a lot of work, but we are having a lot of fun solving these problems with pictures, numbers, equations and labels. If you ever have any questions about this “new math” we are implementing this year, please feel free to contact us.
We continue to encourage students to complete and return their homework in a neat and timely manner. We also want to remind you that students should be reading for at least 15 minutes each night and should return the books along with the completed signed reading log every Friday. A sight word list will be sent home.  Please practice all these words and make sure your child can read them quickly. Thank you for your support!

The First Grade Team

Second Grade

Happy Fall McAuliffe Families!
 We are back into the swing of things here at school. September was a month of transition. Our biggest transition was from Summer to Fall! We're getting better and better at our daily routines and life in 2nd grade. We have a great group of students who are eager to learn from us this year! 
 In ELA we are working on setting up our reading block for the year. We focus on modeling and what reading should look like in 2nd grade through reading groups, independent reading and Interactive Read Aloud. In Writing we are working on writing some awesome small moments in our lives. Ask your child what they have written about! We are hearing some great stories from them! They are excited about writing and sharing!  In math we finished up our first unit on addition and subtraction within 100, story problems, and using the MOST EFFICIENT strategy for our problem solving. We are on a new unit of measurement. In science we are excited about learning about Solids, Liquids and Gases. Ask your child what they have learned so far in Science. It's going to be an exciting month!
We had our 2nd annual trip to LEGOLAND Boston! We took part in a workshop, in all free play activities, rides and a 4D movie! It was a very fun experience for our kiddos.
We thank you for coming to our Open House! We can't wait to meet all of you at parent conferences in November. Stay tuned for details. As always, thank you for your continued support. Parents & Teachers working together is exactly what your child needs to be successful.  Homework every night includes reading for 20 minutes! Study those math facts too!  Meet you all soon!
The 2nd Grade Team

Third Grade

Third Grade is off to a great start this year! We have been setting dispositions in our classroom for all parts of our day including morning meeting, writing, math, reading, lunch, recess, and specials. We have also been modeling the importance of thoughtful homework. Each night third graders are expected to read, write a summary, and complete a math sheet.
     In writing, we have been composing personal narratives. Students have been inspired by people, places, and special things that mean the most to them. In reading, we are just beginning guided reading groups. This is a great opportunity for students to practice their reading stamina, fluency, and comprehension. Reading each night is so important in building your child's "reading muscles". Please encourage your child's reading curiosity and fan the flame of reading for fun. 
      Lastly, multiplication and division have been the main concepts in math that we have targeted. We are also focusing on learning our fact families for 2, 3, & 4 with automaticity. Automaticity means your child can recall a fact within three seconds. Please practice your child's multiplication and division facts each night. Finally, we will begin Weather and Climate in science and we look forward to conducting experiments and reading scientific literature. This year will be full of academic learning and persevering and we are fortunate to have the great classes that we do!

Fourth Grade

Happy Fall McAuliffe School Families,
The McAuliffe School 4th graders are back in the swing of things and are hard at work each day. Our Literacy focus for the first few weeks of school was on establishing rules and routines for Reader’s Workshop. Throughout the fall, our students will explore fiction at a deeper level, reading closely to infer and grow ideas about theme.  Students will learn how character’s thoughts, words and actions help readers to understand the story better and infer theme. Students will also learn to explore life lessons the characters in books experience and ponder the application of these lessons in their own lives.  Please ask your child what they are working on as a reader in class. Students should be reading a minimum of 30 minutes each evening as part of their homework. Reading Logs should be signed Monday through Thursday.

During Writer’s Workshop, Students have been busy drafting personal narrative pieces based on small moments. Students studied qualities of good personal narrative writing in mentor texts and applied these qualities to their own pieces. Through revision, strong leads, memorable endings, exact details, sensory images and figurative language have been worked into students’ narratives to paint pictures for their audience in words.  Students will continue to focus on good qualities of writing throughout our current Realistic Fiction Writing Unit.
In Math, we just finished our place value unit. Throughout this unit, students built upon an existing understanding of problem structures and estimation as they solved a variety of story problems.  Our new math unit will focus on understanding aspects of the metric system and how to convert between units of measure. Please encourage you child to study multiplication facts each evening.  As always, we thank you for your support.  Any questions, feel free to email us.
All the best,
The 4th Grade Team 

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