Reach For The Stars...

S. Christa McAuliffe Elementary School

Where children, “Reach for the Stars”

McAuliffe School Vision

The S. Christa McAuliffe Elementary School community strives to educate the whole child intellectually, emotionally, culturally, socially, and physically by offering rich and engaging instruction in a safe, respectful, and caring environment. Our students and staff strive to be independent thinkers and life-long learners. We believe that collaboration among school, home, and community is essential in ensuring students meet our high academic and behavioral standards and achieve their fullest potential.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Our Assembly

Just speechless.
Our Veteran's Day Assembly was the most beautiful assembly we have ever had here at the McAuliffe. When we came back to class we talked about how that assembly made us feel and these are some adjectives that were used to describe our afternoon...

"I felt EMOTIONAL because my uncle is a veteran and I only met him once." ~Makaya
"I felt PROUD to be from our country." ~ Izzy
"I felt HAPPY because the higschool students sang the National Anthem." ~Kayden
"I felt IMPRESSED by the Honor Guard." ~ Jaydaliz
"I felt so HAPPY when I saw my dad because he surprised me. He is a veteran of the Army." ~ Luz
"I felt FASCINATED with the ROTC." ~ Evan

As teachers, we might need a little more time to process this beautiful day. It certainly brought out some tears. We hope to remember this day for a long time to come. What an incredible reminder of all of the freedom that we have and just how precious life is. We have that freedom in our lives because of the men and women who were able to join us today and for all veterans everywhere across the country. 

A HUGE thanks to Mr. Ducharme for taking on this great big honorable idea and making it come together like it did today. 
What a day!

We had...
The LHS Chorus, the LHS ROTC and Honor Guard. We had parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends visit us. We had service dogs. We were able to try on uniforms and gear. We had a hall of honor. We shared a Marine tradition in honor of the 240th Birthday of the USMC today with one of our very own students serving cake to a Marine Veteran. We began with the Star Spangled Banner and ended with a beautiful song dedicated to our soldiers.
We only hope you will take the time tomorrow to remember what we shared together today and thank a veteran or remember what our veterans have done for our country. 
Never Forget.

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