Reach For The Stars...

S. Christa McAuliffe Elementary School

Where children, “Reach for the Stars”

McAuliffe School Vision

The S. Christa McAuliffe Elementary School community strives to educate the whole child intellectually, emotionally, culturally, socially, and physically by offering rich and engaging instruction in a safe, respectful, and caring environment. Our students and staff strive to be independent thinkers and life-long learners. We believe that collaboration among school, home, and community is essential in ensuring students meet our high academic and behavioral standards and achieve their fullest potential.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Halloween Fun!

Our fabulous, fun McAuliffe School Family pulled off an AWESOME Halloween night of fun here at school. We had trick or treaters trailing through the halls of school from 5:00-7:00 this evening. Many families came out for the fun and many staff members were dressed up to give out candy to our favorite little people. A huge thank you to our AMAZING PTO, our fabulous staff and our wonderful families. Have a safe Halloween Weekend. Stay tuned for more pictures. Here are just a few...
We love our school. We love our PTO. We love fall fun.

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