Reach For The Stars...

S. Christa McAuliffe Elementary School

Where children, “Reach for the Stars”

McAuliffe School Vision

The S. Christa McAuliffe Elementary School community strives to educate the whole child intellectually, emotionally, culturally, socially, and physically by offering rich and engaging instruction in a safe, respectful, and caring environment. Our students and staff strive to be independent thinkers and life-long learners. We believe that collaboration among school, home, and community is essential in ensuring students meet our high academic and behavioral standards and achieve their fullest potential.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Happy Summer Reading & Math!!

Hello Everyone!
  I hope summer is treating you well. I am sure as I sit here typing you are outside playing, or at the beach or pool swimming. I trust you are being safe, taking care of yourselves, wearing sunblock, but most importantly HAVING FUN!! One huge part of having fun in the summer is keeping up with your SUMMER READING & MATH! Remember those packets Mrs. Steele & Mrs. Shelton came around with back in June? Well, dig them out if they aren't already out in a special spot and get back to work! It's so important to make sure you are reading every single day and doing at least one (or more if you are up for it) math problem per day! It will make coming back to school in September much easier on you! Mrs. Murphy sent a connect ed message the other night. I hope you all got it! She asked me to share in on the blog too. We hope you enjoy the next 26 days! It will go by fast. Have fun, READ & practice those MATH facts! See you soon!
Team McAuliffe

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